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24-28 feb 2025 Valencia-Spain

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Bateig Natural Stone launches new website

We are proud to present you our new website. We were clear about the fact that it was high time to renovate our online brand image and we strongly believe this new website represents perfectly our values as a company.

As you can see, our corporate colours, such as black and yellow, still appear in the modern website design but, in this case, we have decided to use white as the main background colour, since it is the best way to focus on that really matters, the Bateig Natural Stone. Our products, on the other hand, are presented as before, accompanied by information about their physical and technical features, as well as the different kinds of finishes available at the present time.

Now, we have also a specific page focused on one of our company’s greatest strengths, the CNC (Computer Numerical Control), where you can find a wide range of photos which illustrate our technical control.  Not to mention, the projects section, specifically designed to show the most recent and outstanding works we have had the opportunity of carrying out.


Bateig Natural Stone website

The current webpage has a responsive design, which means that our visitors will be able to visit de site from all sorts of technological devices, such as mobile phones or tablets.

The information is also shown in a more concise and interactive way with short extracts, which provide the most relevant information about the company and its products.

Besides, we are also proud to have a website completely translated to 4 different languages, something really useful for foreign users, who will be able to get informed about our natural stone in their mother tongue.


In a nutshell, we can affirm that the new Bateig Stone webpage has been designed to fill the needs of the modern user. As everybody knows, we live in a technological era and, for this reason, making our site compatible with the modern technology was a priority. Please, do not hesitate to visit our blog and social networks, since we will be sharing information regularly from now on at Twitter and Flickr.