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24-28 feb 2025 Valencia-Spain

Stone Gallery - Hall 3, Stand 9

Natural Stone Bateig in historical building

The Bateig Stone offers numerous outdoor and indoor design options. Thanks to the innate beauty of the natural stone and its robust looks, covering facades of historical buildings is one of the most spectacular uses.

The historical buildings present harmony, which converges art and design, making essential the presence of ornamental elements. Therefore, it is requested for elaborate work where the artwork is very much present. These kinds of projects require hours of work and a level of maximum excellence in each of the pieces of Bateig stone, which integrate the final work. The computerised work is not the protagonist.

The effort of the master stonemasons is essential for the projects of historical buildings made by Bateig stone. The stone blocks of the highest quality ones extracted and selected are proceed in the factory, following the architectural and design parameters. Master stonemasons cut, hone and review each and every single piece of Bateig Stone, which will be part of the historical building. Everything to make an impressive result.


Natural Stone Bateig in historical building, from below and above with only one material throughout

Historical building present not just walls in natural Stone, but multiple and different ornamental and decorative elements, which may differ in both thematic and size: door posts, capitals, balustrades, columns, arches, mouldings and cornices; can also submit individual statues, like gargoyles, angels and various floral elements. The natural stone can even be used as interior flooring for that type of projects.

The specific characteristics of our limestone make it a versatile material and appropriate for particularities of the historical buildings and property. Our advanced technology of CNC machines allow us to work with stone according to required and specific parameters for each individual project.

Among our historical buildings made by natural Stone Bateig is the cathedral of Almudena, the main post office of Valencia, Telefónica building in Madrid… etc. The neutrality of their colours fully integrate these buildings and adapt them to the aesthetic of the place where are located.


Looking at the result, natural stone constitutes a magnificent material for the construction of that type of buildings, characterized by the high durability in time and bears the climatic changes.